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AMS Шпильки ГБЦ для Mitsubishi Lancer EVOLUTION 7-9

Под заказ AMS Шпильки ГБЦ для Mitsubishi Lancer EVOLUTION 7-9

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  • Производитель: AMS Performance
  • Артикул: A0370B-1A
  • Доступность: Под заказ
  • 62 007₽

AMS Комплект шпилек ГБЦ для Mitsubishi Lancer EVOLUTION 7-9

The AMS/TMS 4G63 Head Stud Package was designed to be the best kit ever made for your EVO.  With our experience building the world’s quickest and highest horsepower Evolution VIII and Titans experience building some of the fastest sport compact cars on the planet we both saw room for improvement in the head stud market.  
Made from L19 alloy steel, these stock replacement studs are capable of achieving clamp loads of 230,000 – 260,000 psi.  On top of the stud’s added strength, we also increased the size of the washer to increase the clamping surface area on the head. The competition uses a .80 inch outer diameter washer while the AMS/TMS stud uses a .90 inch outer diameter washer, all while being able to maintain fitment in the head.  From mild to wild rest assured by installing the best head studs on the market!
  • Superior L19 Alloy steel, much stronger than the competitions 8740.
  • Achieve higher clamp loads of 230,000-260,000 psi as opposed to the competitions 180,000-210,000 psi rating.
  • Increased washer diameter to spread out clamping area.
  • Hex oach on the top of the stud allows you to install the studs one by one while the head is on the car if needed
  • L19 alloy steel
  • 11mm diameter
  • Torque spec 90 ft/lbs.
Kit includes
  • 10 studs, nuts & custom washers
  • Assembly lube
  • Instructions
  • 1992.5-1999 7-Bolt DSM 4G63
  • Mitsubishi Evolution 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Страна производстваАмерика

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